DRUUMM Peer Network for April 19, 2022

  • 16 Apr 2022
  • 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85324879324


Registration is closed

DRUUMM’s Peer Network brings together organizers of local BIPOC UU groups for mutual support and special guests. We gather on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 8:00-8pm Eastern (5pm Pacific) via zoom. Connect with other local leaders, exchange ideas and practices, and build a stronger network together. 

Hello, Beloveds! In April, we will dive into how we can practice radical welcome ourselves within our own BIPOC UU community.

April 19th 8:00 PM Eastern/5:00 PM Pacific Practicing Radical Welcome Within BIPOC UU Communities
Guests: Saranna Weller-Filz, Rev. Gary ᏙᏧᏩ McAlpi, roddy biggs, Luis Sierra Campos, E.N. Hill, Karishma Gottfried, and Gabriel Gámez

Continuing with the theme of Radical Welcome, we will have another guest panel who will do a bit more storytelling and discuss two-way radical welcoming. We will discuss how others can practice radical welcome with us and how we can engage people more meaningfully and inclusively to continue to try to lead the way.