The Multicultural Leadership School for Youth and Young Adults is happening! The application deadline is May 15. The Multicultural Leadership School (MLS) is a training designed specifically for Unitarian Universalist (UU) Youth and Young Adults (age 15-30) of Color sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). The goal of the training is to equip participants to be leaders in their UU congregation, district or continental committee. The three and a half day school will feature experienced facilitators who will be intentional in providing participants with experiences that will foster relationship building, leadership skills, racial/ethnic identity development, inter-cultural collaboration and deepening of faith identity. At the conclusion of the training, participants will have a new community of peers, stronger and more confident leadership abilities and a stable foundation for sustainable leadership in Unitarian Universalist congregations and other Unitarian Universalist communities and organizations.All accepted participants will receive full travel, housing accommodations and food for their paid registration. The registration fee for the MLS is $200. The cost of the conference should not stop anyone from applying! Scholarship money is available and the UUA will work with anyone to help them get to the conference if they are interested in attending. More information is available at