West Coast Gathering for Renewal and Hope

  • 14 Jan 2011
  • 6:00 PM
  • 16 Jan 2011
  • 12:00 PM
  • First Church of Oakland, California


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

Registration is closed

DRUUMM West Coast Retreat

January 14-16, 2011

DRUUMM West Coast Retreat
MLK Weekend 2011!
Friday, January 14th to Sunday, January 16th
Thursday Night Special Young Adult Ministry Program
First UU Church of Oakland, 685 14th St at Castro St
Cost: $75.00 (scholarships available)

Join Unitarian Universalist People of Color for an intergenerational retreat, a time of gathering in hope, a time of spiritual renewal.  We gather at a regional level to share stories, worship, and collectively take time for healing and liberation, the core of our ministry.  We work to build anti-racist, anti-oppressive, culturally empowering and spiritually healing Unitarian Universalist communities.

Young Adults of Color (age 18-35) are invited to a pre-retreat overnight Thursday night to Friday to explore our many identities, experience the San Francisco Bay area together, and to reflect on our leadership within DRUUMM and the larger Unitarian Universalist movement.

Interested in volunteering, questions, concerns?  Please visit the registration page at www.druumm.org or contact Co-Deans Kevin Mann and Rev. Leslie Takahashi-Morris at druummwest@gmail.com

Hosted By: DRUUMM (Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries)
Co-Sponsored By: DRUUMM YAYA (Youth and Young Adults of Color) APIC (Asian Pacific Islander UU Caucus), UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association)

Facebook & Twitter: druummwest

Draft Schedule

Thursday, January 13, 2011
4pm Young Adult 18-35 Welcoming & Program
7pm Dinner
8pm Worship with Starr King Students for the Ministry

Friday, January 14, 2011
9am Young Adult Program
4pm DRUUMM West Coast Welcoming
7pm Worship with the UU Church of the Philippines

Saturday, January 15, 2011
9am People of Color Ministry Program
6pm Dinner
8pm Coffee House

Sunday, January 16, 2011
11:25 AM Sunday Worship at First UU Church Oakland