Join us for an interactive Zoom session, which serves as an optional gateway to our comprehensive four-session intersectional antiracism "Aiming for Allyship" training series, occurring on four Tuesdays (March 18, April 1, April 15, May 6).
Facilitated by Justice Movement and sponsored by DRUUMM, this workshop is open to all and includes opportunities for caucusing. Continuing Education certification is available upon request to Rev. Joseph Santos-Lyons, DRUUMM Community Minister at
In this intro session you will meet Justice Movement founders Natalie Nguyen and Danya Xena Davis and guest trainer Atena Danner, be introduced to our intimate style of pedagogy, and engage in an example exercise that reflects our dynamic approach to education. This session is meant to give you a taste of what to expect in our upcoming four-session “Aiming for Allyship” course.
The four Aiming for Allyship sessions will explore themes such as Intersectionality, Community Building, Emotional Regulation, and Effective Allyship Practices as informed by UU principles and values. Highlights include practical exercises on "Calling In/Out" with responses, discussions on "Socialization and Its Impacts," and tools for "Navigating Difficult Conversations."
Each session is structured to challenge, inspire, and empower participants, culminating in a roadmap for active allyship that respects and enhances the dignity of all individuals. Don't miss this chance to build your intersectional antiracism skills and continue your journey toward being an effective ally!
Scholarships are available and reserved for BIPOC participants; please request by February 18.
Important note to White allies: We are prioritizing BIPOC attendance and may ask White registrants to yield space in this popular training.