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Installation Ceremony of the DRUUMMM Steering Committee 2023

  • 23 Aug 2023
  • 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Zoom link provided upon registration


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We are grateful to our members who are answering the call to leadership and service. DRUUMM warmly invites members and special guests to the Installation and Commissioning Ceremony of the 2023-2024 DRUUMM Steering Committee to be held virtually via Zoom.

Join us as we formally recognize leadership commitments as we weave a new shared ministry.

This is a time where our theology is made real in relationship, where we recognize and celebrate the covenantal relationship between our DRUUMM community and DRUUMM Steering Committee.

We honor our new leaders and hold sacred the intersection of individual, community, and the Spirit, a foundation of Unitarian Universalism.

DRUUMM Steering Committee

Esperanza Garza-Danweber
Tomi Fatunde,1st Vice-President
Rev. Carol Thomas Cissel, 2nd Vice-President
Michelle Matula-Venegas, Secretary
Kate Goka, Treasurer
Nico Van Ostrand, Outreach
Karin Lin, Communications
Verdis Robinson, General Assembly
Rev. Michael Crumpler, UUA Liaison
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